Your Profitable Online Business Model Blueprint

For the last year, I’ve been seriously rethinking my online business model blueprint. As I have reviewed what works and doesn’t work as an online business, as well as what I want (and don’t want) to do,

I’m focusing much more on continuity programs that are of the “fix it and forget it” variety. By that I mean I want to create more recurring income streams…

where I set up a service once and it essentially runs itself through automation, without a great deal more work from me. There are two that I have in the works currently that I’ll be telling you about in the upcoming months.

Your online business model doesn’t have to be at all complex, but should provide the guiding force for all that you do, like guiding you to the opportunities to accept (and those to decline), the joint ventures and strategic alliances to pursue, and the new ideas you should retain and develop, as well as those to let go of.

Here’s are the 4 steps I’m following as I create my profitable online business model blueprint:



Donna Local Business Marketing Expert

Helping drive more customers to your front door by turning your website & digital biz cards into cash over and over again. DFY.