The ONE SEO Strategy You Must Implement — And It’s Not What You Think

Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, can be scary and can eat up a chunk of your marketing budget.

Maybe you’ve tried hiring SEO firms in the past and didn’t really get the results you wanted for your local business.

So, how can you do some SEO on your own business without stress? I’ve search engine optimized many of my business sites, so I can share the four things you can do to make your business show up higher in the search engines.

Because if you do the wrong things, then you could lose more than just your search engine ranking.

I’ll share how one HVAC business owner boosted his business ranking on page one of Google by doing just one thing after each customer visit. That’s coming up in our Breakthrough of the Week.

Let’s start this important conversation right now.

Now, let’s be real — while big, broad SEO strategies are vital, if you’re a local business and you’re not focusing on local SEO, you’re missing out big time.

Today, we’ve got four powerhouse tips to help boost your local search rankings and, ultimately, help you connect with more customers right in your own backyard.



Donna Local Business Marketing Expert

Helping drive more customers to your front door by turning your website & digital biz cards into cash over and over again. DFY.