I Am 60

Photo by NIPYATA! on Unsplash

As of 9 AM this morning, May 27, I turned 60 years old. I know the time of my birth because last week, I had to present my birth certificate to the Texas DPS (Department of Public Safety — our state police) office to renew my driver’s license. Apparently, they had no record of when I presented it to them in the summer of 1978 to get my learner’s permit!

The Dept. of Homeland Security seems to be forcing all states to meet their “Real ID” requirements since the driver’s license is accepted as ID for travel. And they are now forcing you to be fingerprinted or thumb printed, at least. I’m not fond of these actions, but that’s another essay for another day.

Normally I’m pretty secretive about my birthday. I don’t like having a big fuss made and have always preferred celebrating with just a few family or friends. I was never one of those kids who got to celebrate their birthday during the school year because school was always in summer recess before my birthday rolled around, so only my very closest friends knew the date of my birthday. And, having it fall on or around a holiday weekend (Memorial Day) for many years made celebrations difficult due to people having other 3-day weekend commitments. So, ignoring my birthday pretty much became the norm.



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