How to Stay Connected To Your Clients During COVID-19

In 2020, we as business owners are in uncharted waters in terms of how to stay connected to your clients during COVID-19 pandemic. Few of us have ever had to deal with widespread closings of cities, canceling of events and gatherings, and shuttering of business like we are seeing today. I fervently hope that this is a short-term issue. For those of us who sell services and non-essential products, the atmosphere of fear makes is difficult to overcome to make new sales to customers.

Fortunately, the technology we have today has made it easier than ever to stay in touch. And, if you have clients or customers with a brick-and-mortar location, they might benefit from some of these strategies as well, especially if they are accustomed to doing all business in person.

So, what do you do to survive?

Here are some ways on how to stay connected to your clients during COVID 19:

1. Offer how-to info or updates via a live stream platform: You have many options to connect to your customers via live streaming services, including those on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram TV using something like StreamYard or Zoom or streaming directly from the platform itself. Here’s a great list of 65 topics for your next live stream.



Donna Local Business Marketing Expert

Helping drive more customers to your front door by turning your website & digital biz cards into cash over and over again. DFY.